

Marque às opções das quais é favorável (5/8 votos para aprovação):

Marque às opções das quais é favorável (5/8 votos para aprovação):

Marque às opções das quais é favorável (5/8 votos para aprovação):

Nova Temática (Sugestão: Sebastian Shaw, Charles Spencer): Fim do tema "Império Galáctico" e adoção de novo à ser discutido.

Abolição do Tesouro (Sugestão: Sebastian Shaw, Sorenson): Fim da tesouraria e do sistema de cobrança de impostos.

Eleições à cada mês (Sugestão: Beckett, Charles Spencer): Fim da sucessão por abdicação e estabelecimento de eleições mensais.

Abolição do Almirantado (Sugestão: Sorenson): Fim da manutenção da marinha por parte do Estado e extinção do cargo de "primeiro lorde do almirantado".

Extinção do Grand Vizier (Sugestão: Sebastian Shaw): Extinção do cargo de "Grand Vizier" e acumulação da função de "chefe de governo" ao Estatuder (Chefe de Estado).

Adoção do Diretório (Sugestão: Sebastian Shaw): Sistema criado por Sebastian Shaw, adotado em maio de 2013 na tribo Austria Hungria (Tribal Wars). Consiste na substituição do sistema de cargos atual e criação de um conselho de três diretores para exercimento de todas às responsabilidades da aliança.

Criação de um Fórum (Sugestão: Charles Spencer, LucasSB): Criação de um novo fórum para debates regulares.

Eleitores Externos (Sugestão: Charles Spencer, Beckett): Concessão de título de eleitor à ex-membros AH que não fazem parte da aliança supremacy.

Reagrupamento Ideológico (Sugestão: LucasSB): Divisão dos grupos ideológicos em 5 de acordo com o Diagrama de Nolan (Direita, Esquerda, Estatismo, Libertarianismo, Centro).

Libertarians (Sugestão: Edwirch): Reconhecimento dos Libertários como grupo ideológico.

Anarchists (Sugestão: LucasSB): Reconhecimento dos Anarquistas como grupo ideológico.

X: Caso não vote nenhuma (necessário para a contagem dos 8 votos).



Eleição para Estatuder

Dec 18, 2012

Kuat Drive Yards

The Kuat Drive Yards - short KDY - is the company of shipyards of the empire, with the total monopoly of the supply of naval products.

The holder of CEO KDY (varies by game) should focus on building the yards, and being KDY a state company, receive budget to produce their products.

As Private Company

The KDY has a value of £ 1.5 million pounds (sale value), and if mortgaged by HMS Government, the new owner will have the entire monopoly of manufacture and sale of naval products to the state (with a price table fixed). The KDY is created by game, ie can belong to a player in a game, and be a State Company in another game.

Being a private or state company, the KDY also sells to members of the empire, always following the table of fixed prices.

Price table


Observation Balloon ------------------------- £28.000
Light Cruiser --------------------------------- £40.000
Submarine ----------------------------------- £45.000
Fighter --------------------------------------- £60.000
Battleship ------------------------------------ £150.000
Bomber -------------------------------------- £110.000

Dec 16, 2012

The HMS Government

The HMS Government: is called "HMS Government" the leader of the group on a round. The acronym stands for "His Majesty'S Government", and its holder is the representative of the government of His Majesty in the round, not necessarily being the emperor (in his absence). He is who more should help with taxes and assumes full leadership of the group "in the name of his majesty" in the absence of the emperor, and respond for their actions only to him. If the Emperor performs this function is in fact his government. Your banner can be customized, just as long as it's black.
The Imperial Team


1 - Grand Vizier: assumes the role of a diplomat, and is responsible for leadership in the absence of the HMS Government.

2 - Head of Intelligence: is responsible by espionage, getting a budget for maintenance of espionage missions and daily cost of spy.

3 - High Admiral: is responsible for the administration of the Imperial Navy.

4 - Lord Treasurer: The treasurer is responsible for collecting and storing taxes. The treasurer shall make a record of collections, since he will need to distinguish between funds raised and their own once they get together. For these reasons, the treasurer should avoid buying and selling on the stock market to avoid the risk of affecting taxes in his possession, and if you need some recourse should order to the Head of HMS Government. The treasurer is also responsible for the distribution of funds between members who receiving budgets. The treasurer receives a fixed salary for their actions and to fund a counter-intelligence fixed on its territory to protect taxes.

5 - Chief of Army Reserve: is responsible for the recruitment and maintenance of reserve forces, and must manage them on the front in case of replacements and support in military operations. Depending on the need, receives salary.

Flags to Edit

* The second option is in case of the flag chosen by the player be black.

Game 423.969 Flags

Following flags:

1 - Edwirch's South Argentine Flag
2 - HMS Government Flag
3 - Jacob's North Argentine Flag
4 - Shaw's Flag

Empire's Officers

Empire's Officers
Empire's Officers - Game 448.553

New Imperial Flag

New Imperial Flag
Author: LucasSB

The Old Flag

The Old Flag